Friday, January 8, 2010

I think it was the same night as the previous post... January 6th where my gal friends and i bumped into a parade for Joan of Arc's 598th birthday, and then stumbled into this little cafe called Sound Cafe which is another coffee place very close to where we are staying. While walking around outside for a while we started hearing strings playing from somewhere and we kept walking and walking and found Sound Cafe. We found the sound of a raw fiddle with two women playing them and one lady on the piano. They played some irish tunes and let us listen... it was such an experience because i rarely go out and another reason i rarely hear/hear of great live music in Milwaukee.

Besides the fact this is Hurricane city it would be such a nice place to live. The community aspect of it is not anything i can even describe. I can give an example from Milwaukee.... in Milwaukee no black person has ever just started talking to me other than hit on me, and i have never seen a black waitress that i can remember in Milwaukee... down here everybody talks with everybody and there aren't any weird looks and winces and i see black people working wherever.. and i find it strange because i am accustomed to seeing black people on the streets or in the "bad neighborhoods" but i feel none of that kind of attitude down here and i love it.

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